About Location


 1st Serbian-Chinese Tennis Academy summer camp was slowly and meticulously choosing perfect location for its tennis training base location considering various factors such as safety, climate, greenery, historical, and cultural significance. In this context, Arandjelovac city which is in central Serbia and only 70 km away from Belgrade’s airport emerges as a superior location compared to Belgrade city centre for several reasons.

Arandjelovac, being a smaller city compared to Belgrade, offers a more tranquil and secure environment. The camp site is ownership of Hotel Izvor 5* which makes this camp a unique closed community that creates perfect safety complex for players.

 The community-oriented atmosphere and lower population density contribute to a sense of safety and peace, providing an ideal setting for young athletes to focus on their training without distractions or concerns for their well-being.

Arandjelovac boasts a moderate continental climate, characterized by warm summers with less humidity and mild winters. This climate offers ideal conditions for outdoor training, allowing players to practice tennis efficiently without extreme heat or unpredictable weather conditions that are more commonly experienced in Belgrade.

Arandjelovac is renowned for its lush greenery and natural landscapes, providing a serene backdrop for physical activity and training. The presence of parks, forests, and gardens in the tennis camp itself and all close proximity not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also offers a refreshing and invigorating environment for players to rejuvenate and recharge between training sessions.

Arandjelovac's rich history and cultural heritage add an extra dimension to the summer tennis camp experience. The city is home to various historical sites, museums, and landmarks that offer participants a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the local traditions and customs, fostering a sense of appreciation and respect for the region's heritage.


Hotel Izvor tennis camp in Arandjelovac presents itself as an ideal location for a summer tennis camp due to city’s peaceful environment, favorable climate, abundant green spaces, and rich cultural heritage converge to create a holistic and fulfilling experience for participants, making it a preferred choice over Belgrade for those seeking a well-rounded and immersive tennis training experience.



Izvor is 5 star luxurious hotel, located in the centre of SPA city Arandjelovac  and right next to Royal Bukovica Spa Park.


1st S-C Tennis Academy has four hard courts available on the premises. 


The accommodation for players is in the closed and secured complex that is in the ownership of Hotel Izvor.

Parents AccommodatioN

Parent’s accommodation is not in our base camp and parents are welcome to book their stay in “IZVOR” Hotel or other hotels in the city.